The CU-Boulder research team believes the lowest annual maximum ice extent of 5,650,000 square miles occurred on March 7. The maximum ice extent was 463,000 square miles below the 1979-2000 average, an area slightly larger than the states of Texas and California combined.
The 2011 measurements were tied with those from 2006 as the lowest maximum sea ice extents measured since satellite record keeping began in 1979. Virtually all climate scientists believe shrinking Arctic sea ice is tied to warming temperatures in the region caused by an increase in human-produced greenhouse gases being pumped into Earth's atmosphere. Because of the spiraling downward trend of Arctic sea ice extent in the last decade, some CU scientists are predicting the Arctic Ocean may be ice free in the summers within the next several decades.
Scientists believe Arctic sea ice functions like an air conditioner for the global climate system by naturally cooling air and water masses, playing a key role in ocean circulation and reflecting solar radiation back into space, said Meier. In the Arctic summer months, sunlight is absorbed by the growing amounts of open water, raising surface temperatures and causing more ice to melt.
The scientist Meier says "I think one of the reasons the Arctic sea ice maximum extent is declining is that the autumn ice growth is delayed by warmer temperatures and the ice extent is not able to 'catch up' through the winter,".

Why this article is very important?

Just as I said before, if we do not stop the production of CO2 or destroing trees and killing animals, all this natural resurce that todays we see, This beautiful and interesting animal that we have and even, the earth that we are living, is going to desapered. I choose this article because this is not a simple and comun science article that all people see in the news paper or in internet, also, is a message about that if we do not change and stop using energy, stop using CO2 and still abusing the mother earth we are going to extint in this world.
What is my connection in my life and this article?
The connection is:

We learned about the CO2 and its impact in the earth and I sorprised that the CO2 can destroy a natural resource and wanted like kind of war with the humans producing a natural desaster such as hurricane, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc...
Remember, only you can save the planet, let work and save the life of the mother earth and do the peace with the CO2, with the natural resource and let it alone.
Quote to save your home:
"The joy of seeing and understanding is the most perfect gift of nature". Albert Einstein
"Nature does great work without expecting any reward". Alexandr I. Herzen
I found information in: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110324104143.htm